We have the following events to look forward to:
September 2024
BBQ and Quiz
On Friday 20th September, we held our annual BBQ and Quiz. Massive thanks to everyone who turned up to support us on what is always a fun night. Competition was fierce this year with the Markethill Heroes clenching victory after storming to the lead in the last two rounds.
Thanks go to the chefs and all those who helped prepare and clean up the hall afterwards.
A massive £826 has been raised to date for Church funds.

July 2024
Orange Service
As is our tradition, Bessbrook District and Mullaglass LOL117 joined us for Morning Worship on the first Sunday of July, at the later time of 11:30am.
Our Preacher for the service was Wayne Hawthorne, Diocesan Reader.
Thanks to the PSNI for their help, Altnaveigh and Crimson Arrow Pipe Band, and the Orangemen who attended, and helped make our morning worship that bit special.

June 2024
Afternoon Tea
On Saturday 22nd June the church enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea and vinted day in the Church Hall.
A great day to catchup with old friends and spend time with family, over lovely homemade scones, sandwiches and traybakes.
Homemade Jams and wheaten bread were on offer, along with a selection of clothes.
Thanks to everyone who helped and for those who came along to make it a great day.
To date it has raised £1400 for parish funds.

Ordination of David Hawthorne
On Sunday 9th June, the church closed its doors for morning service to allow the congregation to instead head on to Armagh Cathedral to share in the Ordination of David Hawthorne. (Pictured here with Rev. Gerald Macartney to his left)
David Hawthorne is a Diocesan Reader and during the service was ordained as a deacon.
We wish him God’s Richest Blessings on his journey of faith.
After the service we joined with Bessbrook Church and had a lovely Carvery lunch at Armagh City Hotel.

April 2024
Sponsored Walk
On Saturday 20th April, the church took part in a sponsored walk/run around the grounds of Gosford Castle.
Afterwards we sat down and enjoyed a lovely picnic in the sun.
A fantastic sum of £2700 was raised, which will be in aid of our disabled ramp access plans for the Church.
Thanks to all who took part, and donated.

March 2024
Easter Vestry
On Wednesday 10th April 2024, the General Vestry of St. Luke’s Parish Church, Mullaglass met, chaired by the Rural Dean Archdeacon Cairns.
We Welcomed three new members to our Select Vestry.

Bird Boxes
As part of the Diocese of Armagh’s Flourish Programme, our Rector installed some bird boxes in our grounds. This will provide shelter and nesting ground for many of the species of birds which visit our shores.
Keep an eye out for more initiatives we will be trialling soon!

February 2024
Badminton Club awarded £2000 Grant!
This February the Mullaglass Badminton Club got the fantastic news that we had been granted a £2000 grant from Sported’s Cash4Clubs.
This money will be vital to help us grow our fledgling club; giving us the means to purchase new equipment, and supplies, as well as providing outreach such as leaflet drops and tournaments.
We are grateful to the Sported Organisation for their help!

January 2024
1st Badminton Friendly
The Mullaglass Badminton Club welcomed Mullavilly Badminton Club to our hall for our first ever friendly, on 16th January.
Mullavilly won handsomely, winning 6/9 of the games.
It was great to meet new people, and take part in some friendly competition.
We look forward to joining them at their club very soon.

December 2023
Antique Fair
On Saturday 9th December, we held our annual antique fair. This year saw Markethill Art Club attend for the first time, with a lovely stall of local artwork, which proved to be a big success.
Along with our usual cohort of antiques by Ava antiques, we served food all day, and held a raffle.
Handmade wreaths were also on offer, priced at £10 and completely sold out!
It was well supported, with hundreds in attendance. We’ve raised a massive £1900 for parish funds.

Carol Service
Mullaglass held the first of our parish group’s carol services, on Sunday 3rd December at 7pm.
The choir sang two pieces; When Christ was born in Bethlehem (RODMELL) and Noel Nouvelet.
Thank you to all who attended, and special thanks to Rev. Gerald Macartney for leading our service, our readers, our joint choir and those who helped decorate and provide tea and supper after the service.

November 2023
BBQ & Quiz
On Friday 17th November, we held our annual BBQ and Quiz in the parish hall. Many thanks to all who attended, and congratulations to our winning team! With great food and a suberb quiz supplied by our resident quizmaster, it was a great night, and it helped raise £800 for parish funds.

October 2023
190th Anniversary
On the 23rd October 1833, St. Luke the Evangelist Church in Mullaglass was officially consecrated.
190 years later, on Sunday 22nd October 2023, at 7pm we held a very special Holy Communion service using rite I, as it would have been in 1833.
The service was fantastically attended with over 120 members to the congregation, and over 70 taking communion.
After the service there was supper in the parish hall along with display boards of old newspaper clippings and historic artefacts relating to Mullaglass Church and the wider Mullaglass area.
Special thanks to our guests; Chairperson Valerie Harte, Councillor David Taylor, former Curates Canon Joyce Moore, and Rev. William McCracken, and their spouses, Mrs Florrie Hoey, and Shauna White, Archdeacon Elizabeth Cairns, Rev. Gerald Macartney, Mrs Jill Hunter and Mr David Hawthorne.
It was a great service and very enjoyable evening, made all the more special by the support we received from the wider community, who arrived in their huge numbers to celebrate with us.

Harvest 2023
On Sunday 1st October, we held our annual harvest thanksgiving services with Mrs Jill Hunter preaching in the morning at 10am, and Rev. Dr Chris Broddle preaching in the evening at 7pm.
After the evening service there was supper in the parish hall.
Thanks to all who beautifully decorated the church, and who prepared the supper.

September 2023
Saturday 9th
Afternoon Tea
Many thanks to the over 100 people who joined us for Afternoon tea on Saturday. It was fantastic to see so many people out, and enjoying themselves.
Special thanks too for those who spent the time preparing the hall, and preparing the fantastic feast that followed.
So far we have raised £1700 with more to come in! A fantastic sum raised for our Parish funds.

July 2023
Sunday 2nd July
Annual Orange Service
On Sunday 2nd July, we welcomed the local brethren to join us for Morning Prayer. There was a good turnout as always, and we would like to thank the PSNI, the bands and the Orangemen for their support each year.

May 2023
New six week Pilates Block
New six week pilates block commences Monday 22nd May
For further information call David, you can find his contact details on Facebook at David’s Classical Pilates.

The Coronation
To Celebrate the Coronation of HM The King, We had a Coronation Lunch after church on Sunday 7th May 2023. With a great turnout for church, everyone headed over to the hall for a fantastic hot lunch of roast beef, chicken or ham, with all the trimmings. Activities were provided around the hall for young and old including Archery, Table Tennis, Connect Four, Jacks and more.
We’d like to thank all those who helped with the decoration and cooking, and we thank all those who turned up to join us for this historic event.